For any fine 89er who ever gave a wing flap about the Eagles……my 90 minute tribute show to the late Glenn Frey, a founding member of the band and one of the two eagles to be in the band from start to finish (the other, of course, being Don Henley).
I leaned heavily on the first 3 Eagles albums for this one, so you’ll hear some of Glenn’s forgotten/overlooked obscurities, as well as some of his greatest hits, as well as a couple of his excellent solo songs from the 80’s.
And yes, I highly recommend sitting in the dark or low light for these shows, just you going one on one with your stereo…..and see where these songs take you.
Before the eagles got bogged down with mega-stardom, lawsuits, and acrimony, they were, especially on Eagles, Desperado, On the Border, and One of These Nights, a helluva band.
You’ll hear why they were the biggest band of the 70’s….bigger than led zep and the stones and pink floyd and anyone else. hope you dig!
_____Bruce Van Dyke