“Doug The Jitterbug’s Audio Collage” airs Fridays 2-4pm (pst) reprises Suns 10am

I started doing radio in 10th grade with a field studies class working at KPFA in September 1969. Since then I have done about 12 years at KHSU, Arcata, 13 years at KRCB, Santa Rosa and about 12 years at KZCT, Vallejo, CA (Ozcatradio.com). I do a show titled Doug the Jitterbug’s Audio Collage, where I play a lot of roots music…vintage jazz, blues, folk, country, with a mix of rockabilly, soul, reggae, African, Latin and other world musics. Also comedy, because the pallet of life includes fun and sunshine. There’s a lot of great music out there that rarely gets played. I’m looking for those songs. I like to keep current with music of many genre’s and will add them into my shows to support artists that are keeping my dancing feet happy.
You can write me at: doug@jiveradio.org
This week’s Audio Collage Hour 1:
Hour 2: