Ever get an anonymous/spam email saying they have all your info, they know your password(s), they show you one of your passwords, and then threaten to expose you for all your porn-watchin’ dirty deeds you and your little computer have done since the beginning of time, unless you send them a big chunk of bitcoin?
YOU’VE BEEN POWNED! [“pwned” – hacker-eze for ‘owned’] Well, you can check if your email address or favorite passwords have shown up in a database of over a half-billion users that have had their identities hacked from the myriad corporate slackers (yahoo, Marriott, Target, et al…) that have had their customer databases raided by hackers in the past few years.
If you care about how vulnerable you and your email addresses/passwords are, check them out HERE: https://haveibeenpwned.com/
…and think about closing up your fences ~ the weasels are proliferating.