WE LOST: Our beloved voice man, our own Don Pardo, FRANK STANTON. He died after a badass cancer fight. His “…maybe the kids have been messin’ with it…” and myriad other production spots will run forever in the Jive-O-Sphere. The day before he died, he managed to voice one last signoff for us all [below], with one of his trademark lines… “Hi everybody, this is Frank Stanton signing off for now, and remember… be cool, buy bonds, and keep smilin’ baby, that sunshine’s good for your teeth!”.
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WE WON: One William Traveler Cook, born to Catie & Kevin Cook, mom Catie being our fresh-faced (and evidently quite fertile) new board member having replaced her dad, our co-founder William ‘Bruce’ Van Dyke who blew this pop stand last Fall. Best Jive fishes to Catie & Kevin, our mighty clouds of love are with you!